
Using information that you did not obtain in-character to influence your Characters’ actions. This is when you Use Out-Of-Character information for personal In-Character benefit or gain. Even if it doesn't put you at an advantage, mixing OOC (Out of Character) with IC (In-Character) will be considered Meta-Gaming. You MUST ONLY use Information that you have obtained In-character.


Subject A goes onto Subject B's Stream to find out their Location then go kill them Or Subject A is watching Subject B's Stream, where Subject B's Gang are setting up an attack on Subject A's Group. The attacking group (Subject B) state their plan during a Group Meeting. Subject A uses this knowledge to prepare a Counter-Attack or Ambush on Subject B's Group. DISCLAIMER: You will ALWAYS be questioned on suspicious things such as Scenario 2

You are not allowed to be in discord voice channels or twitch streams while you are inside the city role-playing

Another Disclaimer:


You CANNOT identify people from their voices or the player-list! Unless you see their face and know who they are, then you can. You CANNOT go off of someone's voice if they have a mask on or are clothed in a completely different way (e.g. No Gang Flag) - Fines, Jails or Bans

Last updated